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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: redmullet

Member#: 1225
Location: Aberdeen
Registered: 16-02-2005
Diary Entries: 93

Mood: Pleasantly chilled!
20th May 2006
Windsurfing: Rattray Bay, Aberdeenshire
Wind Direction: NNE
Wind Stength: 15-20 mph
Surf / Sea State: 2-5 ft waves
Air Temperature: Warm
Sea Temperature: Cool
Weather: Sunny
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Got the call from Jim that he and Alan were planning on a visit to St Fergus after his mornings session at Newburgh (big sail, big fin, not much water, chilly). Decided to go up in one vehicle to save fuel, and to chat on the way and as Jim has just become the proud owner of a LWB Transit, the option to chuck all our gear into his van instead of strapping boards onto the roofrack of my Kangoo there was no competion. Arrived around low tide, with a nice 20mph blowing cross-on from the left and a couple of foot swell / waves. We rigged up 6.5s and went for the floaty option - Syncro 115 for me and Xantos 310 for Jim. Alan arrived just as we were about to launch. The wind dropped off a bit and turned more onshore which didn't help, but as the waves were tiny, it wasn't too bad. Gave us a chance to check out the currents, as we had never sailed this beach in any wind with a N direction in it. The currents weren't too bad, and this gave us a bit more confidence. Alan was venturing out further to try and get to some more wind, but this didn't happen until later in the session. As the tide started coming in, the waves started to improve, and we were getting 3-4 footers which were breaking reasonably cleanly, and further out, the swell was maybe 5-6 foot and gently rolling. The wind never really kicked in enough to get going properly for decent jumping, but we were managing to catch a few half decent waves on the way in. A pretty decent sail on the whole, but could have done with just a little bit more wind earlier in the session - although it was enjoyable non the less. Unfortunately, we only had about half an hours marginal planing wind at the end of the session, with it just threatening to build a bit more, and the waves were improving all the time as well, but Jim had to get back to do family stuff - the downside of sharing a lift!
Toys Used:
Mistral Synchro 115L
Gun Target 6.3m
Rushwind Tsunami C55 430
MK Ergo 145-245
Maui Fin Company Freeride 32cm



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